12/11/2017 Minutes

Eureka Valley Foundation

Board of Directors Annual Meeting

Chase Community Room, 2112 Sanchez Street

December 11, 2017, 7:00pm



John Goldsmith (President), Steve Clark Hall (Treasurer), Mary Jackman (Secretary), Ben Hutchinson, Donna Di Meo, Gary McCoy.

The President of the CBD (Castro Development District), Chase Chambers, visited at the beginning of the meeting to present information about donations the CBD has received for the Pink Triangle Park.

  1. The meeting began with a round of introductions from everyone present.
  1. Report from the CBD Executive Committee

Chase Chambers reported that the CBD Executive Committee would be meeting the next day (Dec 12) to figure out the total amount of donations for the Pink Triangle Park from the co-benefit event at Blackbird on November 16 that was sponsored by the CBD, as well as the total amount from other donations received by the CBD that were directed to the PTP.  Those figures would then be brought to the CBD Board of Directors meeting on Thursday Dec 13 for approval.  Chase anticipated that the Eureka Valley Foundation should receive a check from the CBD shortly after that.

Mary Jackman asked if the CBD could provide an itemized list of all individual donations (with names, contact information, and donation amounts), so that the EVF can send thank you notes to all donors.  Chase thought that we should receive that information soon, before the end of the year.  We thanked Chase for the work the CBD has done on behalf of the PTP and for his presentation to our meeting.

  1. Election of new EVF Board members

The three EVF officers unanimously elected the three prospective Board members who were present at the meeting to the Board: Ben Hutchinson and Gary McCoy for 2-year terms and Donna Di Meo for a 1-year term. John G reported that a number of other people have expressed interest in joining the Board, and we expressed the common sentiment that we would elect more Board members at subsequent meetings in 2018.

  1. Project updates

John G gave us updates on work at the Pink Triangle Park:

  • Someone had anonymously given the Park some winter festivity by hanging lights in the trees
  • Two work parties are planned for January, with commitments from volunteers from Mankind, Bridgeman, and the Rotary Club’s tree planting program to assist with the removal of the agaves.
  • We agreed that we should post the twice-monthly PTP work dates for about 6 months out on the PTP website, in order to facilitate participation by volunteers. John G said he would take care of this.
  • John G has been doing further research on which city and county agencies have responsibility for the parcel of land that constitutes the PTP, and there is still ambiguity about who keeps track of the water meter.
  • The artist who designed the granite pylons for the PTP has approved the reorganization of the pylons into a smaller triangle to be set in concrete. It was noted that the artist designed but did not construct the pylons, and there has been some deterioration because of the rebar that was used to strengthen the core of each pylon.  There was unanimous agreement with Steve H’s suggestion that when the pylons are moved and re-set, we should have the rebar replaced with stainless steel to prevent any further deterioration of the pylons.
  • A total of 17 pylons were originally made, 15 of which were installed in the PTP with the 2 spares being stored elsewhere.  We discussed the possibility of using all 17 pylons when they are reset, or of replacing the most damaged pylons with the 2 spares.
  • We need a Memorandum of Understanding with BART and MUNI, and John G said he would do more research on that.
  • The DPW provides pick-up for clippings and trash from the twice-monthly PTP work parties.
  • It was suggested that, before digging out the agaves, we should call 811 to make sure that there are no pipes or lines at risk. Gary M said that he would contact DPW to get assistance.
  • We agreed that we should add links to related websites on the PTP website.
  1. Specific goals for the PTP

We discussed different ideas for the improvement of the PTP:

  • John G is currently watering the PTP by hand about twice a week. The PTP needs an irrigation system.
  • The PTP needs improved walking space with permeable pavers and handicap accessibility.
  • It would be useful to print some cards to distribute on tours or to leave at the PTP.  Someone suggested using Vista Prints to make the cards.
  • Ben H said he would check with Google to see if they would provide free advertising for the PTP as a non-profit.
  • The PTP needs a good logo.  We agreed that we should organize a logo contest on the website that would ask people to develop a logo and explain its symbolism.  Steve H and John G said they would set this up.
  • The PTP needs to be separated better from 17th Street, both for safety and to make the PTP feel more secluded from traffic.  John G suggested the installation of rock gabions along the boundary with 17th Street.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

Minutes submitted by Mary Jackman.

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